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  • Radio Newsletter 2nd October 2014


    • There is so much to report on today that we won’t have enough time to cover everything.  As usual, we shall refer you to follow up on issues that may interest you on our website – esg-gib.net … : BUT! Due to unforeseen circumstances and really bad timing our website went down during the clean up and we are presently restoring it. Should be back to normal by the weekend. Reports on the success and efforts by our CUTW volunteers, the inspiring visit by Xavier Van de Stappen and his push for electric power, the hugely attended Airport Display, the first electric car rally on the Rock, CUTW exhibition and more will be posted in neat summaries with pictures on the website and Facebook pages very soon. Thanks to everyone who supported all these events. The Chronicle will hopefully soon publish their usual great spread showing the community support for all Clean up related events, this time also actively supported by Ministers Cortes, Garcia and Linares.
    • Also in the news today is that finally, after decades of debate about the enormous energy potential in the great Saharan desert, the news agency Reuters, has announced that tenders are just days away from being awarded to an agglomeration of countries and companies, funded by European and global institutions to build two massive solar plants with a combined output of 300MW in Morocco – its an incredibly interesting story with lots of positive implications and you may like to catch up on this at: planetark.org. Great when investment meets the right policy and technology
    •  Locally we would like to remind listeners of the next DPC meeting-taking place on the 22nd October at the Charles Hunt Room at 10.00am. Its possible that the application by Vemaoil to permanently set itself up at the Detached Mole will be on that agenda – all items will be confirmed a week beforehand and also available online. Nearby residents have already been in touch with the ESG to express concern about the potential environmental impacts this could bring. The ESG is preparing its own submission on this for the DPC meeting
    • The ESG expressed concerns about the lack of a clear timeline for the new power station recently – an issue, which has been making headlines this week. The group will be meeting with the Minister on this very soon to urge, as we did back in April, for technical reports and a clear timeline for completion to be made public to demonstrate the level of focus this issue is getting behind the scenes.
    • The ESG will be commenting separately on the recent visit by the Minister of the Environment and his team to the Climate Change Conference
    • Finally we would like to announce the visit next week of an eminent scientist and world-leading authority in the field of EMF radiation and health effects. Professor Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm Sweden, will be giving a public talk at the Charles Hunt Room, John Mackintosh Hall at 7pm, on the 7th October. This forms part of the ESG’s effort to raise awareness about the need for safe use of all modern, electronic technology, as well as the need for the precautionary principle when setting up the servicing network via the mobile masts. We urge you to come along and hear what the Professor, who is world renowned, has to say on the issue of “does this affect our health? Burning issues that will be debated on Tuesday, hope to see you there. Everyone is welcome!! ESG will also be outside Morrison’s on Sunday during the lunch hour to provide more information on the lecture.
