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    An online petition has been set up to collect signatures over the new sewage contamination off Western Beach- This pollution has led to the recent closure of this lovely beach which is also used during the winter for picnics etc. The MoD Sailing Club has also closed and canoeists and paddlers have advised the ESG that its impossible to enjoy their sport in this part of Gibraltars coastline-

    If it was only about recreation you would think it was a storm in a tea cup- BUT! the levels of fecal matter picked up by sampling by the Environmental Agency at a public beach are so high that it demands that action has to be taken. The cross border nature of this issue of course presents additional problems. The wider situation seems to indicate that la Linea is unable to cope with its sewage disposal and management and clearly needs to add capacity to its treatment of sewage.

    Sewage discharge from the Spanish town is also taking place on the eastern side (evidence of this available on LaLineaDigital online) and this raw effluence presents a serious risk to public health.

    The ESG will lend support to the campaigners to try and find a solution to this specific issue- We also consider it critical that all the towns in the Bay, including Gibraltar, comply with Directive Requirements on Sewage treatment and set up proper facilities without further delay.

    Go to: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/no_to_sewage_at_sea/
