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  • ESG Radio Climate Change and Public Meetings 16.05.19

    ESG Radio Newsletter 16th May 2019

    A few weeks ago and since our last press release on the recent increased activism witnessed locally and globally on Climate Change, the ESG held a public meeting which saw a good turnout and strong and sustained discussion on all key issues pertaining to Climate Change and Gibraltar. Our mtg followed a Govt statement that a Climate Emergency Pledge was to be declared before Parliament for support, with details on how to achieve the intended halving and eventual elimination of carbon emissions by stated dates.


    Our group has lobbied and campaigned against pollution – a primary generator of carbon emissions locally and regionally – for close to two decades. We have also called for public debate to include all sectors and be ‘information based’ to inform and influence as much as possible in the shortest time possible. This is what Climate Change requires and an emergency requires urgent action.


    We called a meeting to discuss all these issues openly as a first of others to follow. All attendees were invited to record their foremost concerns on the environment and climate change and the discussions threw up new issues and ideas on how citizens and NGOs can take things forward. Work is going on in these areas and more information will be published soon.


    It’s clear that for many depoliticising the environment and supporting a clear Climate Change Action Plan managed with its own resources and dedicated team (with representation from all parties) was strongly supported.

    The ESG welcomed the cross party support in the House for the Government led Climate Emergency Pledge which took place the day after our public mtg and are now in direct contact with Government calling for details of their action plan to be released earlier than the end of this year as was mentioned.

    More news on these and other issues next week.


    A date for your diary is our fifteenth Clean up the World Event being held this year on the 21st September. After last years efforts and the feedback from teams its clear there is still a big appetite for this nationwide clean up that raises much awareness and has also helped shape the litter agenda in nature spots in particular and more broadly in waste management in Gibraltar. Please sign up if new to the Clean up by emailing esg@gibtelecom.net. All existing teams will shortly be contacted with information on this years campaign aims and actions.


    The next Development and Planning Commission meeting will be held on the 30th May at 9.30am at the Charles Hunt Room, John Mackintosh Hall. The next few DPC meetings could interest people following development issues in Gibraltar – meetings are held publicly and agendas published on the Town Planning website a week before the session takes place.


    Get in touch for more information. Thanks for listening.

