Coalition for Climate Action – (CCA)

21st September 2019
‘The Coalition for Climate Action yesterday delivered a Petition to Government calling for an independent body to manage Climate Change targets. Over 2,000 signatures were presented to the Minister for the Environment and Climate Change.
This took place after a lively and energised group of protesters took to Main Street to create noise about the climate change crisis in support of the millions carrying out similar actions throughout the world. Organisers wish to thank everyone who joined the March.
The coalition confirms it will continue to collect signatures and explore other civic actions until such time as decisions are taken regarding climate action and the body/committee charged with oversight of this all important issue is in place.’
Coalition is made up of 6 NGOs:-
Gibraltar Ornithological and natural History Society (GONHS), The Nautilus Project (TNP), Environmental Safety Group (ESG), Gibraltar Heritage Trust (GHT), Sustainable Gibraltar and Pollution Watch