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  • 5G Public Debate 10.01.20

    The ESG has voiced concerns, which have been shared by others, over the ever-increasing electro magnetic radiation pollution deriving from the gadgets we use and the masts that service these.

    While acknowledging that the use of this technology is an inevitable aspect of our every day life, we continue to believe that careful use at a personal level, and the precautionary principle applied at an industrial level, should always be applied.

    The group held separate meetings recently with the Chief Minister and Gibtelecom during 2019 to share concerns about 5G coming to Gibraltar. At the last DPC mtg Gibtelecom received approval to install 4 masts for testing and data collection purposes. The ESG believes it is now time for a public debate to be held to enable a full, free and informative discussion to take place.  A date has been set for the 24th January at 7pm.

    Please read following information:

    1. The ESG and Gibtelecom have agreed it would be in the public interest to hold such a meeting together to ensure both sides of the story are covered in detail and invite people interested to register at email: 5Gdebate@gibtelecom.net

    2. Registration by email will start as from 15th January and not before. Due to venue restrictions, and to ensure a full exchange of views can take place, there will be a limit on numbers and the first 45 people to register will attend.

    3. Should interest exceed capacity there has already been discussion of holding a second debate.

    4. We are also asking those registering to please submit a question or comment you would like to see debated with your email.

    5. Only those who have registered and received confirmation will be able to attend.

    6. Debate will be held on the 24th January at 7pm at the Lecture Room in the John Mackintosh Hall. (Friday). Duration; 1.5 to 2 hours max

