The Envoronmental Safety Group would like to advise that “Earth Hour” is taking place this Saturday the 29th of March at 8pm, with cities and towns around the world taking a stand to save energy. The idea is to switch off all our electricity for one hour between 8 and 9pm.
Last years “switch off” saw a similar action in Sydney with 2 million people and 2100 businesses participating. The outcome was a hugely successful awareness campaign as well as reducing Sydney’s energy consumption for the hour equivalent to taking 48,000 cars off the road for the duration!
The ESG has been told that closer to home several restaurants in Marbella will be supporting the black-out with set cold menus and unplugged music throughout the night! The group is calling upon Gibraltar to support this worthy campaign and show that we also care – See for more information.
Remember: Saturday 29th March at 8.00pm to 9.00pm – Spread the word!