ESG Analysis Piece on Oil Spills and related issues over the decades. (Gibraltar Chronicle 15.08.23)
August 15th, 2023
As Gas Venus leaves and a milestone reached re THAT oil spill yet another minor spill occurs in the Port area. 13.08.23
August 13th, 2023
ZERO IMPACT MEANS ZERO OIL Sunday 13th August 2023 As the first milestone in the Rosia oil clean up is reached, with round the clock efforts in place to save the coastline stepping down to a more moderate level, news has filtered through of a very minor oil spill from a bunkering barge within the […]
ESG reacts to latest Oil Spill 01.08.23
August 1st, 2023
News of yet another oil spill of heavy fuel oil is just what no one wanted to hear given the recent and successful departure of the OS35 – although even this vessel may still return to the Rock due to bad weather. While details are still emerging it appears the spill came from a ship […]
ESG laments increase in quota and practice of sport fishing for Bluefin Tuna 20.06.23
June 20th, 2023
Once again the Bluefin Tuna Fishing Season has opened in Gibraltar. Sadly, as per every year, the quota also continues to rise. The ESG continues to oppose the practice of sport fishing of such an important marine species previously endangered, now ‘in recovery’, or other status, depending on the source of information.
ESG welcomes ex Friends of the Earth Juniper’s comments on Fossil Fuel Trade 13.06.23
June 13th, 2023
It was an important moment for the ESG to meet with Tony Juniper at the Aspire Conference, a major trailblazer for the environment for decades, and an inspiration for action. In his Chronicle interview it was heartening to hear his recommendations to Gibraltar as to the need to diversify from our trade in fossil fuels […]