Since the New Flame collided off Europa Point the handling and management of the stricken vessel has seen many turns. During this time the ESG has made some public statements highlighting its concerns about the nature of the accident and potential repercussions for the environment. It has also written to the Captain of the Port with questions the group believes need to be answered. A reply was virtually immediate which the group gratefully acknowledges. Nevertheless the grounds for many of the questions remain as the New Flame scenario gathers ever more dramatic dimensions.
The ESG has been baffled by the delay in the removal of fuel from the stricken ship especially given the sensitive nature of the environment it is in. The ship is in an area denominated as an SCI or Site of Community Importance under the European Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC adopted through 2006/613/EC for the Mediterranean biogeographical region. (UKGIB0002 | Southern Waters of Gibraltar | * | 5486, 5 | 0 | E 5 22 | N 36 7 |).
Government has stated clearly and frequently that its priority is safety and a pollution free environment. It has also often stated it has engaged a state of the art company and facility to handle this crisis but the delay in the removal of fuel is perplexing and warrants an answer. Given the numerous potential factors which could be affecting the decision making process such as economic, logistic or any others, the group believes the public deserves to hear directly from the experts- especially at each dramatic turn of events. Only in this way can speculation be kept to a minimum and the public be reassured that all the stops have been pulled out to prevent this crisis from turning into a catastrophe.