ESG Radio Broadcast 7th March 2013
Today we look at a few issues of environmental interest. We have released two press releases this week, so let’s begin with those first.
• Government recently announced it had succeeded in a major feat of transposing all pending EC Directives. We congratulate Government for allocating human resources to this herculean task. What was not discussed in the subsequent media coverage and interviews, and the reason for our issuing our statement, was implementation. From the environmental lobby, this is what we really care about as it is only when a directive is “effective”, that real change can be obtained. We therefore hope that as well as being leaders in Europe on implementation, that we can also soon follow this achievement with full implementation. Certainly on the environment, this will provide widespread benefits
• The second statement we have issued refers to news that Government is considering building a hotel at the Nuffield Pool site. This has come as a surprise to us and to others in the community. We are calling upon Government to provide more thinking on this issue. As contained in our statement, while supporting any efforts to beautify, replant, and generally enhance the already spectacular setting of the area, we would not support major construction. Please visit our website at for the full press release
• Last week the ESG visited the temporary generators at the North Mole site and was given a tour by the site supervisor and GibElec Manager. What a difference to the old, obsolete and polluting stations we have lived with, and continue to suffer today. The turbine technology and onsite equipment in general was literally, a breath of fresh air!!! The high standards of safety coupled with minimal noise and air emissions was most impressive and works are actively underway to further reduce noise emissions. Air emissions will also be tackled when additional equipment currently being built, is installed. We are grateful to the Minister for the Environment for facilitating the tour and to GibElec and the site supervisor for the very interesting visit. It is our view that turbine technology is a very positive step forward in delivering Gibraltar’s energy needs and that introducing combined cycle systems would further increase efficiency
• The ESG received a number of complaints within the past fortnight from residents living in the south and north west districts of higher than usual air pollution from all generating stations. It emphasises the urgent need for Government to announce its plans for a fully compliant, replacement power station which cannot come a day too soon for many
• Finally, a first call out to CUTW team leaders. We shall shortly be contacting you to discuss campaign plans for 2013. More details will be published after initial brainstorming sessions have taken place. These will also be posted on our website. If you are interested in taking part and have not done so before, please get in touch and we can provide you with more information.
Thanks for listening!