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  • Industry exerts astonishing influence on Spanish State Television

    ESG wishes to inform the Gibraltar community of a remarkable turn of events recently when a state owned television station in Barcelona TVE1, was prevented from broadcasting its scheduled and advertised programme on health and the environment in Spain and Gibraltar, a week last Sunday. Much noise has been made in the campo media about the influence exerted by CEPSA Madrid intervening in the showing of the programme. The company claimed it did not accurately reflect the industry position and was therefore an “incomplete programme”.

    The ESG, who together with David Dumas QC of Hassan’s, were also filmed and interviewed extensively as part of the programme,  made contact with the producer who confirmed this astonishing intervention by CEPSA Madrid which resulted in the last minute pulling of the programme. Its broadcast, we are told, will take place once CEPSA’s additional interview clarifying its position on these issues has been included in the programme.

    The producer expressed extreme disappointment at the pulling of her programme believing that the position of the industries in the Bay had already been adequately covered in her programme with footage of the “Plataforma de Amigos Para una Buena Imagen de Industrias de la Bahia”.

    She further advised that she would now be seeking to include an interview with
    Professor Benach, Author of Atlas de Mortalidad studies revealing alarming clusters of cancers and higher mortalities in the Bay area.

    The ESG is now waiting for news from TVE 1 as to when the programme will be aired.

    The ESG furthermore wish to notify the public that it recently participated in another Spanish made Documentary, this time on a Nature channel, on Canal Sur. The group was informed that it would be screened within the next week or so.  The ESG explained its work at European Commission and cross border level and especially on the work carried out under the Bucket Brigade and air sampling efforts to expose the dangerous emissions by industry in the area, – it is sincerely hoped that this programme will not be censored in any way.

    Details on date and time will be made public.
