The ESG has been looking through the sizeable document for the EIA on the new Power Station. It is still studying aspects of it that are not entirely clear. Having said that, the ESG can highlight some basic principles and reactions, which shall be followed up in a detailed paper submitted to the Town Planning Offices for DPC consideration. The GoG’s stated intention is to build a hybrid plant using LNG and diesel. However the EIA does not include LNG safety reports or impacts from wider diesel use, which in the groups view renders the assessment deficient if not invalid.
• The ESG questions why the EIA is only considering impacts from the combustion of diesel for a maximum of 35 days for “abnormal operation”, due to this being an LNG fired plant; this is built on the assumption that LNG has been given the green light in which case the safety reports supporting this decision must exist- and must be shared with the public; we also believe that impacts from the possible combustion of diesel at this plant for 365 days of the year should be factored in the EIA to cover all scenarios;
• The safety issues of LNG driving this entire project forward must therefore be considered by DPC members who will then be voting on passing this EIA paper for certification;
• Specifically the ESG has called for highest standards and best available technology to be utilised in this power station but the ESG does not consider the plans demonstrate this has been done adequately to date;
• Specifically electrostatic precipitators ought to be used to eliminate up to 99% of particulates/and stack monitoring to track all pollutants and manage levels accordingly;
• Stack heights have been compromised by the proximity to the airport and therefore additional measures to eliminate all potential emissions must be installed;
• The ESG has been concerned to see that GoG’s plan has been to build the power station even closer to the Waterport Terraces Residential area since the first announcement by GoG of siting this at the North Mole;
• The ESG finds unacceptable that the main LNG Storage and Regasification Process has been also added to this site without documentation being submitted to the public or the DPC members, nor has this major cumulative factor being included in this present EIA, despite all other potential factors being rigorously included;
Government has stated all along that it has been taking its time to ensure that the next generation power station will be the most environmental and least impacting of all its predecessors and that planned by the GSD administration. The ESG is not convinced that the plans and EIA measure up to this pledge and will be submitting a detailed response to the DPC stating precisely in what areas it is in disagreement. It will be highlighting the essential measures the group will insist should be conditional to the EIA receiving approval for the power station aspect of this operation so far.
Regarding the LNG Storage and regasification process, the group cannot accept that at the present site it has now become safer and furthest from residential areas. However, if the CM who made this statement in Parliament, has the documentation to support his claims let Government please share these documents, at least to the DPC, who are currently evaluating the EIA for the new power station and would consider these directly relevant to the safety evaluation of the EIA report.