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  • ESG Radio Newsletter 9th June 2016

    ESG Radio Newsletter 9th June 2016

    Hi there! Recent developments have prompted great interest in our environment once again. It was positive, for example, to have the launch of the Eco Wave Pilot project take place, a measure we hope can and will be replicated at appropriate locations throughout Gibraltar. It will be interesting to learn how well this technology works for our local conditions. We know marine turbines, that is, underwater turbine technology, could also be highly beneficial to us in Gibraltar given the power of the currents meeting off Europa Point making this particular technology most suitable. We have heard plans for wider application of solar technology and hope these can soon be activated.

    Renewable energy is fast becoming the A word as we consider the impact already occurring from the burning of fossil fuels throughout the world in terms of global warming and climate extremes.

    Something that I saw recently online and would like to share with you is a TED talk given by Al Gore in February this year called: The case for optimism on climate change. He spends the first half of his talk outlining the problems, the issues, in his own inimitable style, full of authoritative data, impressive graphs, footage etc., basically painting a frightening and very convincing picture of the growing consequences of a warming world, highlighting the practices that need to change. The second half is very positive – this is where the optimism comes in, with Mr Gore commending the efforts that countries and commerce have made in response to the environmental problems highlighted ten years back, citing that response has so far surpassed all expectations, and, that while it still may not be as fast enough, is certainly moving in the right direction. It’s a compelling and memorable talk – simply Google “Al Gore” and “The case for optimism on climate change” and the right link should come up. Lots of material there for good discussion too.

    This week has seen a visit to Gibraltar of an economic contingent from the Faroe Islands, announced in the media as looking at ways of working together. We have issued a press release highlighting the annual whale and dolphin slaughter carried out by the Faroe Islanders, an action that continues to provoke outrage around the world as well as a plethora of well-supported petitions. We urge them to look at our own Nature Protection laws and hope that they will finally take measures to stop this annual massacre that is out-dated and a threat to endangered wildlife.

    Another issue rearing its head is that of seagulls. Once again, public interest has been such that we are releasing a press release on this today also. The aborted flight a few days ago should ring alarm bells that more needs to be done to drastically reduce number of gulls in Gibraltar. This time the plane had time to take corrective steps and safeguard its passengers. We urge Government to review this matter with some urgency.

    Last week we supported the World Environment Day street stall event held in the Piazza for most of the day. A steady trickle of people came through the stalls and many a good discussion was had about various local environmental matters.

    Quick update re DPC, date has been changed to 28th June.

    Another buzzword at present is the EU Referendum. The ESG has been fighting to improve environmental issues at a local and cross border level for the past 15 years and we know full well how crucial EU environmental legislation has been for our work. We therefore urge everyone to vote to stay within the EU to safeguard the environment and protect our quality of life. May not be perfect but the EU guarantees minimum standards and that is critical when it comes to the environment!


    Visit our page at esg-gib.net for more info. Contact us at esg@gibtelecom.net.




