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  • CEPSA Oil Refinery and percentages February 2014

    ESG Press Release


     Key Words:   Environmental Compliance, Nocturnal Pollution and European Commission

    In a recent article in the Spanish Press, CEPSA Oil Refinery announced it was meeting 85% of their targets with regards to environmental compliance.


    We are all too familiar with the regular and heavy, nocturnal pollution released into the local environment from this company under the cover of darkness. In windless conditions these toxic emissions can remain in our air systems for extended periods of time as occurred only last week.  We also know that due to the financial crisis in Spain, independent monitoring of industry emissions by the State has fallen far below what can be described as acceptable, never mind best practice.


    The emissions in the attached picture exposes a company that continuously tries to present itself as a model industry following highest standards when the reality is very, very different indeed.


    EC response to ESG via MEPs-


    Recent news from the European Commission is that it confirms that Spain reported an exceedance of the target value set for nickel in 2012. The EC advises that a new Directive – 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions, coming into force on 7 Jan 2014, will replace the IPPC Directive for existing installations. The new Directive will require permitting authorities to use BAT (Best Available Techniques) conclusions as the reference for setting the permit conditions. Such conclusions for the refining of mineral oil and gas are planned for adoption in 2014. Within four years after their publication, the national authorities have to ensure that all permits for refineries are updated accordingly and that the installations comply with those permit conditions.


    ESG’s view-


    ESG regards the procedures at the EC as far from satisfactory. It acts as a smokescreen for industry allowing excessive pollution to go on unaddressed for years at a time, instead licensing the degradation of the living environment for its citizens and wildlife, and at worst, exacerbating ill health among its people. The ESG believes that regardless of any real gains achieved via this lobbying process, that the alternative, of doing nothing, is not acceptable. The EC is a public service body and should be helping communities, everywhere, achieve a basic, clean and healthy environment in which to live and raise families. It should be held to account.


    The ESG will continue lobbying GOG and Opposition, MEPs and EU commissioners, demanding for better policing and enforcement at a national level.


    CEPSA Refinery heavy pollution taken by residents in area
