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  • AIR POLLUTION COCKTAIL – Group calls for controls

    The ESG is concerned about air quality in the South District last week, notably between Wednesday and Saturday. Fumes from the GibDock area, together with heavy pumping of noxious smoke from both power stations were also compounded by bunkering fumes blown ashore due to prevailing winds.

    All together made for a cocktail of pollution which affected a large section of our population for often unbearable stretches of time.

    It is true that much of the time our air space is flushed clean because of our constant wind flow. The downside of this is when the winds drop or turn inland as this results in pollution from certain fixed points in Gibraltar to directly impact on the community. Several recommendations on these matters have been made in various papers submitted to previous and present Governments over the years by the group.

    This key issue affects our quality of life and our health and the ESG calls upon Government to do what is necessary to bring these polluting sources under control.
