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    ESG Radio Newsletter

    We missed our last radio newsletter due to it coinciding with the Olympics so it’s been a while since we shared news with you.

    It’s always important for us to relay updates on preparations for CUTW as these also serve as reminders to those listening who wish to participate. During these past few weeks we have had workshops taking place in different parts of Gibraltar, by youngsters, creating artworks from rubbish which will be displayed at this year’s Clean Up exhibition and Parade. We are very excited as plans start taking shape to highlight serious environmental problems of a local and global nature. Make a note of the date for the Cleanup which is the 22nd September. Teams are welcome to sign up until end of August but we shall be running an open list for individuals for some time yet. Next important date is the 29th August for the clean up workshop at Plater Youth Club at 7pm, and the final and critical planning mtg on the 11th Sept at the Charles Hunt Room in the John Mack Hall at 7.30pm. Contact us at esg@gibtelecom.net or call us on 200-48996 and 54960000 for more information.

    News that will resonate with some of you is the growing number of sightings of dead dolphins on our coastline these past few weeks. In early August the ESG with some of our clean up partners, reccied some of the harder to access areas we tackle each year. Seven Sisters was one such site and among copious amounts of rubbish brought in by the tide lay not one but three dead dolphins. With subsequent tragic sightings reported, this highlights a very serious problem. The ESG is following this up with local and regional NGO’s. Important please for reports to be made to the relevant NGO’s like the Museum and the GONHS.

    We remain concerned about the various sources of avoidable pollution affecting people’s quality of life on a day to day basis in Gibraltar. News of eco building projects by Govt announced today at DPC is greatly welcomed of course but against a backdrop of postponed decision making on the urgent replacement of obsolete power stations is rec’d with mixed feelings. As an NGO that has fought for over a decade on this issue we have to repeatedly draw attention to the intolerable impact of all three stations as our members and many of the public expect us to do. Only last week, at OESCO, a technical problem, resulted in excessive smoke which to those in near proximity, raised great concern and fearing for their health –thankfully this was short-lived. We therefore urge Govt to please release its decision as soon as possible.

    Another matter which concerns many and has great environmental impact is our traffic and we understand that Government is planning to launch a programme to limit unnecessary idling of engines as exhaust fumes are harmful to health. This happens at the frontier which affects customs employees severely and those sitting in queues extensively. But there are many other examples. Another is the coaches at the coach park, idling for hours on end, waiting for returning tourists, keeping coaches cooled in these searing temperatures. The result of this practice is choking up residents in the nearby estate who are breathing in fumes produced by the coaches.

    Surely a facility can be set up for drivers to sit in relative cool while waiting for tourists to return. Doesn’t take too long for coaches to be cooled when the A/C is turned on so a little discomfort can surely be tolerated?? Car, coach and bus idling happens throughout Gibraltar and cause unnecessary harmful pollution – we urge Govt to start do something about this and for drivers listening to avoid idling whenever possible.

    Thanks for listening- plse contact us if you need info or advice on anything you have heard today –also visit our website at: esg-gib.net

    Shocking levels of pollution by OESCO

    Oesco Power Station August 2012

    Dead Dolphin in Bay

    Dead Dolphin near thick pollution at sea
