The ESG wishes to advise that the Bay Bucket Brigade continues in its anti-pollution campaign by distributing pollution complaint log sheets throughout communities on both sides of the border. The sheets are self-explanatory and are to be filled by concerned citizens when witnessing an air or noise pollution incident that is offensive and alarming.
The aim of the log sheets is to build up a dossier of anecdotal evidence based on subjective experiences by members of the public, which will over time support the data obtained through the bucket sampling system. This pollution complaint log is expected to show that heavy pollution incidences are not singular events but reflect a regular pattern of pollution emissions that are not to be tolerated and remain unaddressed by industry and authority.
The ESG and the BBB hopes that this reporting system will provide a much needed mechansim for those who frequently experience offensive pollution incidences and have felt totally frustrated at the lack of action by industry and enforcement agency.
Ideally, those interested should make photo-copies of this template and fill in several forms over a period of time before returning these to one of the various contact points listed at the end of the sheet.
Download the forms English