In its efforts to improve the environment that surrounds us, the Environmental Safety Group has approached and held meetings with various representative organisations. These contacts have been held with a view to increasing awareness on the importance that a contaminated environment can have on everyone and in children and the elderly in particular.
Among the groups and institutions that the ESG met during the course of 2003, are the “Old Age Pensioners Association”, “The Women’s Association” who have offered their whole-hearted support, and the schools in Gibraltar.
The ESG also welcomes Government giving new impetus to the Environment, by appointing a dedicated Minister with increased resources to address policy development, waste assessment and, it is hoped, pollution control as well as many other important issues.
Soon after the recent elections, the ESG sought a meeting with the new Minister, the Hon. Fabian Vinet. This meeting took place and although very positive in terms of becoming acquainted and of using this opportunity to put across ESG’s priorities and activities, no specific subject was discussed in depth. It was nevertheless agreed that regular meetings would be held with the Minister who will receive beforehand, details of the particular areas of concern for discussion.
The meeting was cordial and positive, with the ESG hopeful that the renewed importance Government is giving to the environment will result in the resolution of outstanding issues to the benefit of us all.
A meeting was also held with the Shadow Minister for the Environment, the Honourable Fabian Picardo, who assured the ESG of the Oppositions’ commitment to support and assist in seeking progress on all matters environmental. This meeting was also cordial and open. Arrangements were made to hold regular meetings where the ESG will continue to lobby directly on all important environmental issues on a cross party basis.
The ESG hopes to foster increasing support for its activities and projects for 2004, which will include the soon-to-be launched Bucket Brigade that will be sampling air quality in and around Gibraltar.
Any individual or Organisation interested in contacting us may do so by emailing: or drop us a line at: ESG, Private Box 223, Imossi House, Gib.